Ghulam Rasool Jamaati

Mufti Ghulam Rasool Jamaati
Full name Mufti Ghulam Rasool Jamaati
Born 1923 CE
Gujrāt, Pakistan[1]
Era Contemporary era
Region Pakistani scholar
School Hanafi[2]
Main interests Fiqh, Hadith, Kalam, Logic, Arabic Grammar, Usool
Notable ideas Respected as one of the greatest among the Fuqaha of this age.

Mufti Ghulam Rasool Jamaati (Arabic: مفتي غلام رسول جمعاتي‎) is a Sunni Hanafi [2] Islamic scholar.[1]


Shaykh-ul-Hadith Mufti Ghulam Rasool was born in 1923 in the city of Gujrāt, Pakistan. Sadly, he died on 8 October 2010 (Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'oon). He received the major part of his Islamic education from the “Teacher of the Teachers” `Allāmah Sultān Ahmad d. 1999/1420 whose educational transmission extends to the renowned scholar and jurist of his era `Allāmah Fad'l al-Haq Khayrābādī d. 1278/1861. During his stay in Pakistan he taught the Islamic sciences as well as issuing fatwas on various issues.

In 1985 he moved to Britain and began teaching in London at the madrassa (Islamic school) of Allama Pir Syed Abdul Qādir Shah Jilani. During this period, he was also appointed honorary Mufti of The Muslim Council UK in 1990 and has since issued over two thousand fatwas. Fluent in Arabic, Persian and Urdu, the Mufti is a master in numerous fields of Islamic scholarship including Jurisprudence, Principles of Jurisprudence, Exegeses, Principles of Exegesis, Hadith, Principles of Hadith, Doctrine, Logic, Scholastic Theology, Philosophy, Sufism, Moral and Ethical Philosophy, Polemics, Astronomy, Morphology, Syntax, Rhetoric, Oratory, Lexicology, Literature (including pre-Islamic), Poetry and others. As well as teaching and issuing fatwas, he has authored around forty books on a variety of topics from the aforementioned sciences. He is widely known and accepted as the Grand Mufti of Great Britain.

His command on the sacred and legal sources, and the ability to apply them to practical legal problems is the cause for his reverence among the more learned Sunni circles of the sub-continent. One of his most famous works is a compilation of fatwas written in Britain called Fatawa Britannia stretching to nearly 800 pages and includes many matters pertaining to legal issues that concern Muslims living in Britain. He has continued to write fatwas which could potentially be published in another two volumes.[1]

Mufti Ghulam Rasool led an incredibly simple life and always showed compassion to those around him. He had memorised the Holy Qur'an from a young age and after the morning (fajr) prayer he would recite 6 chapters (juz) of the Holy Qur'an, an act which he had performed throughout everyday of his life.

Shaykh-ul-Hadith Mufti Ghulam Rasool died on the 8th of October 2010 on the Muslim holy day of Friday. Those present at his bedside account that he asked for assistance in performing ablution (Muslim ritual of washing called wudu) and asked for his nails to be cut. He then began to pray and it was during his prayer that he died around the time of sunset (7pm). He died smiling.

See also
